John Forystek is an American born singer, songwriter, and musician and has worked with many artists in multiple venues. He has shared the same stage with the likes of Rascal Flatts, Toby Keith, Ted’s Boys, Montgomery & Gentry, Tedashii, nobigdyl., Tony Royster Jr, Side Walk Prophets, and many others. John is an artist of integrity that holds multiple industry endorsements as he continues to tour the country in clinics, performances, and engagements.
John is also an international best-selling author, speaker, and consultant and has appeared on major networks like ABC, CBN, and the CW. He has been an asset to Liberty Music Group and the time he has invested in the current LMG artists has been priceless. He continues to strive for excellence in both music and in heart to make sure that the message of the music engages the market.